The Dress:
The dress, A Gown is Born, was created by Kiddo Oh at Dead Dollz, and is currently at Collabor88. Kiddo has been in SL for over twelve years and by the look of it, she spent every single year honing her building skills. It shows!
Please keep in mind I am wearing the Maitreya version of the dress.
The attention is in the details!
The Good:
- The seams - You can see every single seam along the waistline. Also, the texture is not just a simple blue, it has a dimensional look to it.
- The folds of the dress
- The zipper - Go ahead and zoom in. Notice how the zipper is oh so carefully layered on top of one side and below the other. This creator has some crazy mad skills!!
- The fit - Take a close look at the chest, underarm and shoulders. I fits like a glove.
This photo will be mentioned below, in the hair review.
The Oops:
- Pulling out my looking glass..... NO, I see no oops. BRAVO!
The Score:
On a scale of 1 - 5, 5 being the best of the best.
Think of it this way:
5 = A
4 = B
3 = C
2 = D
1 = F
Think of it this way:
5 = A
4 = B
3 = C
2 = D
1 = F
Style - 5
Textures and/or Colors - 5
Fit - 5
Fit - 5
Overall - A perfect 5
The Necklace:
Cae / Estrela necklace and earrings
The Good:
- Lots of flexibility - the necklace has 4 strands and each one is changeable via the hud. Four layers have three different metal changes and three layers have 15 color changes in the stones.
- It is mod. (Size matters)
- The earings are just as mod as the necklace.
The Oops:
- WHOOSH! - The earrings land really big on your ears. Thank goodness the set is mod.
- The chain of the necklace has a stiff look to it. I wish there was a way to make chains a bit more flexible in SL.
- If I had it in my budget, I would have gone for a longer necklace, but sometimes you have to dig thru the inventory.
- It takes a lot of adjusting. Regardless, it either sits too high or too low. There's not really a sweet spot that allows it to sit properly on all sides of my neck, yet not sit on top of my straps.
The Score:
On a scale of 1 - 5, 5 being the best of the best.
Style - 3.5
Textures and/or Colors - 3.5
Fit - 3.3
Fit - 3.3
Overall - 3.3
The Hair:
The Good:
- The hair frames the face beautifully
- I like the bits of soft hair around the face
The Oops:
- Regardless of my breast size, the hair never snuggles up nicely to my chest. Note: My breast size is 39 on the SL slider.
- I poked at the hair with my curser.... I examined both pages of the hud...... I don't seem to be able to resize my hair. TRY THE DEMO ladies!
- I found the hair size to be a little "off" around my ears. I wear a CATWA Catya head. Let me know if this fits other heads better than it does mine.
The Score:
On a scale of 1 - 5, 5 being the best of the best.
Style - 5
Textures and/or Colors - 4
Fit - 3
Fit - 3
Overall - 4
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